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Training that elevates

Personalized Online Strength & Conditioning Programs that apply Elite level Sport Science to those of us with every day limitations.

If you want to perform at a higher level and sustain it through a longer, healthier sporting career, The NXFT Performance Program might be right for you.



Mountain Bikers

NXFT's Performance Program

4 Phases to Guaranteed Results.

-A process honed over 15 years of applied practice.

-4 distinct phases are scalable to all abilities.

-Immediate and long-term results.


NXFT's 4 Phases of Performance

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Group Workout

Why Train Online?

All the benefits of a personal trainer at a fraction of the cost. 

-Expert program design and instruction.

Janvier est notoirement un mois difficile pour sortir, étant donné la neige, la pluie et les températures froides - sans parler des courtes heures de clarté et maintenant du COVID (sérieusement ?!). Cette année, nous allons corriger cela. Pendant 31 jours en janvier, vous n'avez pas à prendre de décision pour sortir. Vous allez le faire !  

-Accountability, I know when you mark a workout done ;)


-Flexibility, do the workouts when it suits you. Take them on the road when you travel.

-You get more of my touch-points every week. Unlimited workouts, for a fraction of the cost of personal training. 

Intense Workout

What's included

-Your own True Coach account. 

-An ever-expanding video exercise library

-Initial Video assessment (a little like this one).

-Goal setting & event planning. 

Détails du défi

-Custom training programs,  posted weekly and designed to fit your available equipment and time.

-Ongoing video analysis, on-demand.

-Personalized Nutrition review, report and meal plans.

Un tout nouvel entraînement complet de 30 minutesNo Start Up Fees.



Entrez votre email et cliquez sur le bouton de téléchargement


Bike Packing


Lift access Downhill

Je reviendrai vers vous avec mes recommandations dès que j'aurai examiné vos résultats.


Hit it further

Hit it straighter

Play with less pain

Objectifs de ski

Do you need help returning to Sports after a period of injury?



I can Ski with confidence again after years of not trusting my knees! I have seen a massive increase in my cardio and strength. Not only that, but I'm now confident walking into any gym and laying down a productive workout.  The Performance Program did exactly what was promised!


Alex helped me hit aerobic levels I never thought were possible. My whole lifestyle is healthier from nutrition, to sleep. And I'm now confident working out on my own, knowing that It's making a difference!


Alex' programming for the MTB has helped me expand my comfort zone for Mountain Biking. I'm now stronger climbing on all day rides as well as technical pedals. I'm sure it's even helped me to descend better, now I can arrive at the top, fresher.

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